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Controls, as we use the term here, refer to the UI widgets that allow a user to enter data. In its most basic form, this would be an input.


You can pass down HTML attributes to the underlying control.


<Form as |form|>
@subtitle="The query to list users"
@description="You should make sure the query doesn’t include bots."
as |field|
<field.Input placeholder="Foo" />


Controls accept a @format property which can be: small, medium, large, or full.

Form Kit sets defaults for each control, but you can override them using @format:

  • small: 100px
  • medium: 220px
  • large: 400px
  • full: 100%


<form.Field @name="bar" @title="Bar" @format="small" as |field|>
<field.Input />

Additionally, the following CSS variables are provided to customize these defaults:

  • small: --form-kit-small-input
  • medium: --form-kit-medium-input
  • large: --form-kit-large-input