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Theme Modifiers

As themes become more ambitious, we've been looking for ways to allow them to manipulate core server-side behaviour. While they will never be given the same level as control as plugins, we can provide some predefined hooks for themes to manipulate.

Introducing: theme modifiers 🥳

They are specified using the modifiers key in your theme's about.json file.

For a 100% up-to-date list of modifiers, check the database schema at the bottom of theme_modifier_set.rb, but here's a quick summary of what we have so far:

  • serialize_topic_excerpts boolean (default false) - always include excerpts when serializing topic lists

  • csp_extensions string array - add directives to the CSP. Works the same as the old "extend_content_security_policy" theme-setting method. But remember, simple <script> src=""> tags are allowed automatically.

  • svg_icons string array - a list of icons which should be included in the icon subset

  • topic thumbnails array of dimensions - request additional resolutions in the topic thumbnail set. Note that they are generated asynchronously, so you must fall-back to the original image if your requested size is not provided. More information available in the commit message

One theme making heavy use of these new hooks is - check out the code to see how it works.