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The collection component allows to handle array of objects in your form.


<Form @data={{hash foo=(array (hash bar=1) (hash bar=2))}} as |form|>
<form.Collection @name="foo" as |collection index|>
<collection.Field @name="bar" @title="Bar" as |field|>
<field.Input placeholder={{concat "item-" index}} />


A collection must have a unique name. This name is used as a prefix for the underlying fields.

For example, if collection has the name "foo", the 2nd field of the collection with the name "bar", will actually have "" as name.


<form.Collection @name="foo" />

Add an item to the collection

The <Form /> component yielded object has a addItemToCollection function that you can call to add an item to a specific collection.


<Form @data={{hash foo=(array (hash bar=1) (hash bar=2))}} as |form|>
<form.Button @action={{fn form.addItemToCollection "foo" (hash bar=3)}}>

<form.Collection @name="foo" as |collection index|>
<collection.Field @name="bar" @title="Bar" as |field|>
<field.Input placeholder={{concat "item-" index}} />

Remove an item from the collection

The <Collection /> component yielded object has a remove function that you can call to remove an item from this collection, it takes the index as parameter


<Form @data={{hash foo=(array (hash bar=1) (hash bar=2))}} as |form|>
<form.Collection @name="foo" as |collection index|>
<collection.Field @name="bar" @title="Bar" as |field|>
<field.Input />
<form.Button @action={{fn collection.remove index}}>