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Complete multipart upload



Completes the multipart upload in the external store, and copies the file from its temporary location to its final location in the store. All of the parts must have been uploaded to the external storage provider. An Upload record will be completed in most cases once the file is copied to its final location.

You must have the correct permissions and CORS settings configured in your external provider. We support AWS S3 as the default. See:

An external file store must be set up and enable_direct_s3_uploads must be set to true for this endpoint to function.



    unique_identifier stringrequired

    The unique identifier returned in the original /create-multipart request.

    parts arrayrequired

    All of the part numbers and their corresponding ETags that have been uploaded must be provided.


external upload initialized

    id integerrequired
    url stringrequired
    original_filename stringrequired
    filesize integerrequired
    width integerrequired
    height integerrequired
    thumbnail_width integerrequired
    thumbnail_height integerrequired
    extension stringrequired
    short_url stringrequired
    short_path stringrequired
    retain_hours stringnullrequired
    human_filesize stringrequired
    dominant_color stringnullrequired